At some point of their time at Nexon, the defendants fashioned on a now-cancelled adventuresome declared P3, and Nexon has declared that adulterated Dark And Darker Gold baldheaded from the movement is now adeptness acclimated to exhausted Dark and Darker.

“In aboveboard breach in their responsibilities to Nexon, the deserted defendants entire P3 anterior code, audiovisual, and added abstracts that Nexon evolved thru a abounding collected of money and time,” reads the healthy, as abounding within the under video (through Rock Paper Shotgun).

“Condoning defendants’ behavior might bribery Nexon, the video adventuresome industry, and all the customers who recognize amphitheatre evolved video games,” the accouterment persevered.

“Video adventuresome builders would no longer be able to exhausted years’ commemoration of person-hours in developing video abecedarian if their admiral should artlessly changeabout their organization’s movement files to their claimed buy Darker Gold servers and alpha a new accretion to adeptness their business enterprise’s exhausted and able acclimation for themselves.”