Which is tied with the Saints for best in the Mut 24 coins. What makes their defense good to excellent is their mistakes they make. They've been able to force 29 turnovers, which includes 20 interceptions with scores on six of those.

While this league is an offensive league the Bears are likely to be the only defense to beat the Saints in the playoffs , and giving them a chance.

The worst thing that could possibly happen is going on with the Cowboys this moment.

They're winning. How is that bad? Since Jason Garrett might keep his job if they win the NFC East, and Garrett is not a good choice to continue his position. I've previously written about this.

The offensive is dull. The offense has improved with inclusion of Amari Cooper However, it's still not that different. It's Amari Cooper making plays. Thursday was a good example.

This touchdown came from a short catch followed by a long run. The second was an excellent catch in triple coverage and Cooper got loose and used his speed to get it home. Cooper's been worth the 1st round draft pick so far, and people like me who said he wasn't will need to reconsider our opinions. While Cooper has made the offense better but I'm not convinced Cooper has changed Dak Prescott much better.

What Cooper did is open up the run game a little. The patchwork Cowboys offensive line ran the ball efficiently yesterday. That used to be the formula they used to achieve success, and now they're returning to it. However, they only have one recipe for success. That's not a recipe that can keep them winning over the long haul, however.

The best thing the Cowboys have going for them is their defense. It's fast. It's physically demanding, and they can easily thwart passers. It's the defense that gives the team a chance of winning every week. I am awed by watching the defense perform. They will play the Saints on Thursday, so they will get a huge test. We will be able to Cheap Madden 24 coins judge them more clearly after that game.