Grass Mower is mainly used to prune plants and flowers, with different requirements and methods of operation. Many users do not understand when using, let alone know how to regulate the operation. As the supplier of Grass Mower, Dehua will explain the operation points of Grass Mower to you, so that you can use Grass Mower better and more standardized.

1. Many users want to know that the so-called shape is to avoid the growth of plants at will, so that green plants and flowers can grow in a specific shape. For example, Grass Mower can prune tea plants, and shaping is an important step for newly planted tea plants. A lot of people have seen the tea garden scene, neat and tidy, that's the benefit of stereotyping. The key is to change the growth of the tea plant as needed, control the growth rate, and let the tea plant grow sideways, so that you can develop stronger trunk branches. Some parks, residential areas, office buildings and other green areas, also need to trim the shape of green plants to increase beauty.

2. Pruning the canopy can increase the density of green plants, promote the growth of new branches, and make the whole green plants look heavier. Such trimming can be done two to three times a year, depending on the growth rate of green plants.

3, deep pruning, cut thin branches, let the green plant to the center of growth, generally use Grass Mower to trim off the branches 10 cm.

4, directly subtract half of the green plant, or 30 or 40 centimeters from the ground, directly cut off the top, this pruning method is generally for aging branches.

5, if the aging is serious, it needs to be pruned from the root, only about five or six centimeters from the ground.

There are many ways to cut Grass Mower to meet the needs of users. Moreover, the lithium battery Grass Mower supplied by Dehua is also very powerful, with little pollution and less noise, which is suitable for personal use at home, and of course, it can also be used for municipal gardens and other projects.

Grass Mower