Ironmace is fighting the claim, having this week buy Dark And Darker Gold published its own evidence that Dark and Darker was developed from scratch and utilized purchased assets from the Unreal library. Whether or not Nexon has a case against Ironmace, the verdict isn't likely to come before months of expensive legal proceedings.

Today, an Ironmace admin on the Dark and Darker Discord named Luci published an open letter, intentionally without consulting Ironmace leadership, about the stressful legal battle and detailing what they believe is an attempt by a large company to financially outlast its smaller competitor.

The post included a link to a GoFundMe page supposedly meant to raise money for legal fees and allow Ironmace to continue Dark and Darker development, though in a strange twist, the post was briefly deleted before being reposted by the same account. As of this writing, the letter has once again been removed and the GoFundMe page has been deleted, too.

"We aren't a big ass studio, and we don't have an infinite cheapest Dark And Darker Gold supply of money like Nexon," Luci wrote. "The reality of the situation is that their end goal is to bleed us dry in court fees. Internally, we know this, they know this, the lawyers know this."