A copyright is a good thing to have to help protect any of the intellectual property that you have created. This allows you to profit from it and prevents others from doing what they want with the work and making it a mess, without getting into a lot of trouble along the way. There are a lot of advantages that can come with a copyright as well, which is part of why it is a good idea to have one in place. These benefits include:


# Legal evidence of ownership: When you register your work for a copyright, this is your legal proof of ownership as the original creator. This can make it easier to enforce your rights if the need does arise. It is a tangible record that you can bring to court if someone does infringe on your rights.

# Public record of ownership: By registering your work, you are creating a public record of ownership, which can enhance your visibility and credibility of all creations you own.

# Eligibility to sue for infringement: if someone takes your work and tries to profit on it or calls it their own, you are able to sue them in federal court and get paid for that. The copyright is going to allow you to do this and can prove you are the owner.

# Basis for foreign registration: You can use your copyright in America as a foundation to get protection in other countries as well. Then you can expand the rights and enforce them, no matter where you send the book.

# Potential for statutory damages and attorney fees: Having a registered copyright will allow you to get help for some of the damages and fees for protecting your rights under the copyright. The statutory damages can be high and this is often the main deterrent against that infringement in the first place.

# Deterrent to infringement: Copyright is the best way to stop others from using your work without your permission because it will end up costing the other person a lot of money.


You need to understand copyright law to make sure that you see why it is so important and why it needs to be in place. Once you have the copyright on your intellectual property, then you may need to enforce it at some point if someone tries to use the creative work as their own. Our team will be able to step in and provide you with the assistance that you need, no matter what type of copyright infringement happens.