To several individuals, cockroaches are some of the creepiest insects that exist. According to research carried out by an entomologist at California State University, cockroaches are the number one insect feared by humans. What’s more, this number runs into tens of millions.

One of the worst things about cockroaches is the health risks that they trigger like allergies and asthma attacks. Cockroaches are also known for spreading bacteria. In short, cockroaches hold several disadvantages for humans and this means that you need to get rid of them by any means possible.

The best route for most people is to hire a company to perform fumigations in Tacoma. However, before you go on with this step, you need to first determine if you have roaches in your home. Below, you’ll explore the most obvious signs that you have a cockroach infestation.

Your Neighbors Have a Cockroach Infestation

If you get wind of the fact that your neighbors have a cockroach infestation, it usually means that you’ll be dealing with one soon. In this case, you need to be proactive in preventing them from gaining access to your home.

First, you need to understand what roaches are like. They infest areas with food scattered around the environment. You need to properly seal your trash cans and clean up quickly when your kids throw food around in the house.

Cockroach Droppings

Cockroaches always leave dropping in homes that they infest. The size of cockroach droppings differs between roach species. Regardless of the size, you can identify roach droppings by doing an image search online.

The specific areas of the home where cockroach droppings are usually seen are cabinet tops and the bases of refrigerators. You have to be cautious when getting rid of these droppings.


You Spot Roach Eggs

Roach eggs are encased in a light brown shell that harbors at least 30 eggs. That’s why anyone who spots a couple of cockroaches in their home gets bombarded with a horde of them in a short period.

Roaches typically leave their eggs in areas like cabinets and near the corners of the walls. When you spot these eggs, sweep them up with a broom and dispose of them in the toilet.

Musky Smell

A lot of cockroaches in a home trigger this horrible and musky smell. The higher the number of roaches, the stronger the smell. What’s worse is that as these cockroaches die, the musky odor gets stronger because they’re decomposing.