Everyone knows that when the summer arrives, there’s a sudden infestation of flies everywhere. During the summer, flies tend to reproduce at a fast rate. That’s because they’re naturally cold-blooded and when temperatures rise, they have increased body heat which leads to these flies becoming more active.

If flies stuck to staying outside and bothering everyone only in the streets, there would most likely not be a need for this blog post. However, they find a way to keep on seeping into homes and commercial buildings to make life unbearable.

Nevertheless, the fact that flies multiply during the summer doesn’t mean that you have to put up with them in your home. Below, you’ll get to examine smart methods to prevent them from invading your home this summer. If you have a prevalent infestation, you can hire commercial pest control in Springfield to deal with it.

Get Rid of Breeding Sites

When a fly gets into your home, there’s a high chance that it won’t last up to two weeks before dying. Houseflies typically live between 12 to 25 days. In the summer, they usually live for an even shorter period.

The negative part of their shortened lifespan is that they get to reproduce and develop quickly. A housefly can spend its entire lifespan in your home provided that they can find a breeding site. The most common breeding site is a part of your home where foodstuff is kept. In short, the larvae feed on your foodstuff until they grow.

To prevent these flies from making your home a breeding spot, you need to get rid of stagnant water and open food. If you can’t throw away the food, you can seal it to prevent the insects from using it as a food source. You need to pay special attention to your kitchen and garbage bins since they’re the most common places where insects breed.

Get Rid of Moisture in Your Home

Just like humans, flies need some form of liquid to survive. While we have to consume water, any type of moisture can suffice for these flies.

Flies only lay their eggs in moist areas of the home. That’s why you need to get rid of moisture to prevent them from multiplying. Start by stopping any source of excess water like a dripping faucet or plumbing issue. You can use a dehumidifier in your home if the moisture issue persists.


Get Rid of Spoiled Food

Flies love to breed in areas with rotten food. If you’ve ever experienced a fly infestation, you’d have noticed that they like sweet substances like sugar and soda. You’ll also notice that the favorite part of the home is wherever you place garbage.

You need to prevent flies from breeding by getting rid of food before it gets spoiled. You also need to dispose of your garbage regularly.