One of the most time-consuming things to work on when it is time to declutter your home is looking through all the clothing. You want to make sure that you only keep the items that you need and you get rid of what you do not need along the way. But what are some of the steps that you need to follow to get this done? Everyone may have a slightly different process, but sorting the clothes based on what you wear, what you don’t wear and what you can donate will help.


For each item of clothing that you pick up, consider whether you wear it or not. If it is something that you wear often and you plan on wearing again in the next few weeks, then you can keep it. An exception can be made for fancier clothes, like that dress you always wear for the holidays, but otherwise, if you haven’t worn the outfit for six months or longer, then it is time to get rid of it and not let it take up more space in your closet. If you don’t remember even getting the item or you don’t fit in it, then it is time to get rid of it.


With the outfits and clothing that you do not put into the closet, you need to figure out what is going to happen to it all. If the item is worn out, has big stains, or has holes in it that you are not able to fix, the best thing that you can do here is to throw it out. At this point, it has lasted as long as it is going to and no one else is likely to want to have it at all. You can throw those items out.


However, if you are working with some outfits that are still in good shape, but you don’t fit in them or they are just not your style, you don’t have to throw them out. In this case, you can find a friend or family member who may want the item or you can consider donating to a local charity that may be able to take the items and use it to help out those in need by you.


Whether you are looking to donate books or clothing or some other item in your home, you need to find the right charity who will take your items and help you to clean up the whole place. We are here to provide you with the help that you need getting all your donated item to the charity of your choice. Take one more thing off your to-do list by trusting our team to be there to help you through it all. Contact us today to schedule your time.