There are a lot of different hornets who may try to take up residence in your business property. You may have an area that provides good protection, ready food, and a good source of water, which is going to attract in a lot of different types of pests if you are not careful, they are going to make your property your home. You likely do not want to have a stinging insect around to hurt you or your customers, so understanding what they look like and being prepared for them ahead of time can help you come up with a plan.


While there are a few different issues that can come up with the northern giant hornet, the biggest concern is their sting. When you look at this hornet, you will notice that it has a stinger that is about ¼ inch long. This is longer, and much more dangerous, than some of the other stinging insects you may encounter. In fact, these are long enough that even if you were wearing a beekeeping suit you would still feel it. Just imagine the damage it can do to your typical customer coming in without a beekeeping suit.


These stings are going to cause some pain and will contain neurotoxins. The sting is going to be more severe to you compared to that of a honey bee and it will have up to 28 times more venom in one sting. Even though this sounds really bad, unless you are highly allergic to these insects, it would take a lot of stings at the same time before you have to worry about it becoming life threatening. And it is rare for these insects to sting unless they are being attacked or threatened.


It is estimated that only one out of one million people each year are going to die from the venom of any stinging insects, much less this one, without having an allergic reaction or an underlying sensitivity. The sting is going to hurt, but it is probably not going to be life-threatening at the time. However, it is able to send 500,000 people to the emergency room each year and that is not going to be good for your insurance or your reputation.


Whether you are dealing with the northern giant hornet or another type of pest around your business property, you need to partner with the best commercial pest control companies in Reno. We are proud to offer a wide variety of different services for all your needs, no matter how big or small the pest problem may be. We bring in professionalism, the best tools, and all the customization that you need to ensure the pests are removed efficiently and safely. Contact us today to get started.