In the last 20 years, the internet has become the channel that most humans use to get information and communicate with others. Whether you’re making a call, texting, or sending voice notes to your contacts, you need a strong cell signal.

A lot of people struggle with super-slow cellular signals in their apartments. Although it’s more prevalent in rural areas, several individuals in the city experience bad signal strength. One of the leading causes of this is physical obstacles including the material that the building is made of.

Below, you’ll see the best tips on how to improve cellular signal in three bedroom apartments in San Francisco CA.

Step Outside Your Apartment

Optimally, cellular signals are supposed to get carried from the closest tower to your smartphone’s location. However, apartment buildings comprise different materials and this can interfere with the signal strength.

The insulation and electrical wiring are some of the factors that can reduce the signal strength in your apartment. If you notice that your signal strength increases the moment you step out of your building, it means the construction materials are getting in the way of your signal strength.

The great part about this solution is that your problem can easily be fixed. The bad part is that you’ll have to deal with the inconvenience of walking outside your home every time you need strong signal strength.

Try Out Different Areas of Your Apartment

Typically, cell signal strength isn’t the same in every room inside a home. Depending on a room’s position to the nearest cell tower, the signal may be strong or weak.

Sometimes, trees also block signals so you’ll have to move to a room without obstruction. Usually, the upper level of an apartment experiences a better network.

To check for the area of your home with the best signal strength, you can use websites that test network speed in different areas of your home. The good part of leveraging this tip is that you don’t have to get out of your apartment to use the internet. The negative part is that you wouldn’t be able to surf the internet in all areas of your home.

Check Your Smartphone

Your smartphone model could trigger the network issue. You need to ensure that your smartphone is working optimally with the latest software installed.

If your smartphone cannot get the latest operating system, you need to buy a newer model. Although purchasing a new smartphone could be expensive, it’ll go a long way to ensuring that you get a better cell signal.