If you have a little furry friend who you love more than life itself, you are in luck because moving into a new apartment with them has never been easier. Thankfully, there are many pet-friendly apartments in Santa Fe and beyond, which means that you and your cat or dog can move just about anywhere.


With that being said, there are certain things that you should remember and keep in mind when you are packing up your stuff and moving to a new place. If you remember these things, the move and the adjustment period will be much easier for you and your pet.


Pet Deposit: While many apartment units now accept pets these days, that doesn’t mean it won’t come without a price.


You may have to pay a pet deposit or perhaps even monthly pet rent in order to have your animal with you. This is a price that is supposed to cover any potential damages that come from your pet and it’s something that should be considered because it could end up being a lot of money in the long run. Although, it will of course be money that is well worth it.


Amenities: Some pet-friendly apartments are really going above and beyond these days, providing a truly comfortable little space for the furry residents that live there.


You might find an apartment building that has dog parks, pet washing stations, or specific pet areas that are comfortable and filled with grass and space to roam, run, and meet others.


Restrictions: Yes, it is much easier to find a place that will welcome your pet but there are some restrictions that you need to keep in mind. For example, certain leases do not allow for certain breeds, sizes, weights, or more. You also might have rules related to noise, leashes, and other limitations. You should read the fine print carefully because you really don’t want you or your pet to break the rules!


Communication: If you move into a new apartment without a pet but decide to get one later, don’t just assume that everything is okay and you don’t need to talk to anyone. Instead, you should catch up with your landlord or management company and make sure they are aware of your new furry little roommate. This will likely be totally painless and easy but you have to let your pet move in the right way.


Be Considerate: Just because you love your pet doesn’t mean that everyone else wants to get close and friendly with them. You should be considerate of your neighbors and other people living in your apartment building. There are many people with animal allergies and some who just don’t like animals. Keep that in mind when you are letting your pet roam the apartment.


Always keep your pet leashed and don’t ever assume that everyone wants to meet them, even though they are super cute and lovely.