Saturate it in, everybody. Your Detroit Lions are 6-2 as they head into their favorably-placed Week 9 bye week. Time for gamers, coaches, and the remainder of the staff to loosen up, recoup, and obtain themselves prepared for the 2nd half of the 2023 NFL season. However, for you, the fanthere is plenty of football to view At 9:30 a. m. ET, the Miami Dolphins play the Kansas City Chiefs in Germany, giving us a fantastic game to watch while sipping our coffee and frying up some rushed eggs. Perhaps some bacon, as well? Deal with can participate cheering on quarterback Matthew Stafford and the Los Angeles Rams as they take a trip to Wisconsin to take on the 2-5 Green Bay Packers. And there is the department tilt featuring two most likely NFC playoff teams in the Dallas Cowboys and the Philadelphia Eagles. Today's Inquiry of the Day is: What are you anticipating seeing during the Lions' bye week?My Solution: Besides having NFL Red Zone on among my downstairs TVs, I can not wait to take a seat and enjoy the Seattle Seahawks travel to Maryland to handle the Baltimore Ravens. Naturally, this will certainly be a video game a great deal of Lions followers will certainly wish to see Seahawks Jerseys. The Lions lost in overtime to Seattle back in Week 2 of the period, while a few of the injuries suffered throughout their Week 7 loss in Baltimore are still recovery. With a win in Baltimore, the Seahawks take over the Lions' short-lived hold on the two-seed in the NFC, and, directly, I wish to see what Baltimore can do offensively versus a tough Seattle defense. Will quarterback Lamar Jackson advance his MVP-like rate? What regarding you? What are you expecting seeing during the Lions' bye week? Let us know in the comments by scrolling down to all-time low of the page.