Well for all we know (since YouTube and Blizzard haven't commented about it) the dislikes being eliminated could all be gleaned from somebody Diablo 4 Gold who has an army of bots to dislike the video and YouTube might have only been removing those. As for the remarks, it seems like people were either pretending their comments were deleted, or their remarks were simply hidden because a lot of comments seem to have either returned or been reposted or something (like RedPill Shark who left comments saying how many occasions his article was deleted although he had A LOT of remarks with various numbers observable in the same time.

There also have been people accusing Blizzard of deleting the trailer and reuploading it, nevertheless, evidence appears to suggest that what was really going on is those people were simply confused by the various Diablo 4 trailers for various regions. . .So really, everything could be explained with no malevolence on Blizzard's part... The dislikes deleted were likely bots, the remarks were maybe concealed or more likely just a few of those extremely smart people on the Internet who get lulz from something such as causing mass confusion and anger towards an organization or a vast array of similar motives (simply by submitting remarks saying that their comments were deleted particularly when some people got the ball rolling)...

Along with the reuploads of this trailer are most likely just people getting confused about seeing different things for different regional trailers of this game. . .In fact, it feels like Occam's Razor is most likely in Blizzard's favor. However,y'know. It is fun to get angry and envision a conspiracy exists. (Philip DeFranco coated it a few videos ago and explained it in a way that nobody else really has as far as I could tell...)Obviously, I still disliked the movie anyway because of the other non-YouTube associated motives...

Particularly if he knew all along that performing a Diablo game onto a mobile platform was not a great idea, he had to abide by his directions. In the minimum, it is evident that Wyatt's team put effort into the game. It's not how we all want to play Diablo, along with the Blizzard matches are going to learn that if this game comes out. Sad that I was more excited over WC3 Remastered compared to a legitimately new Diablo game, however this is the way it is.Feel so awful for him. I am sure he's more aware of what the fans genuinely want, and what a misstep this is. I'm convinced some higher-up, clueless about the lovers, decided on this and needed Wyatt deliver the news. You can see he is trying so hard to be positive in the beginning. He must never have been put in this position. It was Blizzard throwing wolves him.

The cinematics revealed a resemblance to Diablo 3 with all the skills and playstyle. That will make me uninterested. I didn't wanna play  cheap Diablo 4 Items with a World of Warcraft rip-off when I heard Diablo 3 had been created. Gave it a try, but it only got 4 hours of my own time. After being so long gone from the scene diablo 3, had left the gamestyle of Diablo 2. They found what had made money and their time was invested by people at the most.