While there can be a number of benefits to implementing some new enterprise technology into your business, you may find that not everyone is onboard right from the start. There can be some obstacles that will slow you down and make it difficult to implement the system that you would like. You will need to work with all of the members of your team to ensure that you can utilize these systems and to get the most out of them to help avoid these obstacles. Some of the most common obstacles include:


# Resistance to change: This can make it hard to implement anything because your team wants to continue doing things the way they did in the past. This one often stems from a fear of the unknown, a lack of understanding of the new technology, or even being concerned about job security. 

# Integration with existing systems: incorporating new technology into your existing systems is going to be complex and there can be some compatibility issues along the way. This can slow down the process and is something that you need to plan out ahead of time. 

# Costs: It can be expensive to implement a new technology into your business. You have to consider not only the direct costs of purchasing this technology, but also some of the indirect costs like potential downtime, the time it takes to train your employees, and maintenance to name a few. 

# Security and privacy issues: When you rely on digital technology to do the work, you may find that it streamlines the process, but you are also more susceptible to cyber threats along the way. This can cause some issues with privacy and data security if you are not careful. 

# Lack of experience: Some companies may not have the right technical skills to help them implement and manage the new technologies that they would like in an effective manner. This can cause a number of issues and may slow you down if you don’t come up with a plan that is going to work the way that you want the system to work. 


When you are looking for a professional ETM, then come and take a look at some of the options that we have available. We are proud to provide a wide variety of services, no matter which type of software or systems that you will need to handle at the time. We know that you have a lot of plates to balance when you are running a business, but we want to be there to help make the process as smooth as possible. Trust us for all of your management needs!