Cooling towers make up one of the most fundamental aspects of machines across several industries. They’re maintained by cooling tower services and they help in keeping temperatures constant for equipment to carry out processes.

In recent decades, technological advancements have improved how cooling towers work. As a result, these new versions of cooling towers are more efficient and environmentally friendly. Below, you’ll get to explore the best innovations in cooling tower technology.

Hybrid Cooling Towers

Hybrid cooling towers can be described as the best of both worlds when it comes to cooling tower technology. This variant of cooling towers can work in both wet and dry modes. Hence, they’re adaptable to all kinds of conditions.

When the weather is hot, these hybrid cooling towers leverage evaporative cooling to disperse heat. When the weather gets cold, cooling water services can the equipment switch to the air-cooled mode to conserve water.

Smart Monitoring

Cooling tower manufacturers have leveraged artificial intelligence and control systems to provide better performance. The latest versions of cooling towers now come with sensors, data analytics, and automation to intelligently monitor conditions.

They typically look out for critical factors like water flow, temperature, and pressure. Since data is repeatedly gotten, anything that seems out of place can be detected by the smart system. The system can also predict things that might go wrong, allowing the machine to function optimally.

With remote monitoring, cooling tower operators can view everything they need and control conditions from any location.

Water-Saving Tech

Water isn’t available everywhere anymore. Several regions have a water shortage problem and the facilities located in these areas need to adapt.

That’s why water-saving technologies like water treatment systems and side-stream filtration come in handy. These technologies utilize the bare minimum amount of water and boost water efficiency.

For instance, there are closed-loop cooling systems that redistribute water internally. The closed-loop system doesn’t need the water to get into contact with the environment which decreases the need for chemical treatment.

There are also dry cooling towers that don’t need water at all, ensuring that water shortage never becomes a problem.

Modular and Pre-Fabricated Blueprints

Modular and pre-fabricated cooling tower blueprints have changed the installation process by making deployment quicker and lowering the expenses involved. These fresh designs are made up of pre-fabricated parts that can be put together on-site.

Modular cooling towers ensure that deployments get completed on time and this ensures that there is little interference in the facility’s daily operation. Also, modular blueprints ensure that there’s very little material waste and it intensifies quality control.