You may be excited to look for a new apartment that you can call all your own. This may be your first apartment and you are ready to find some independence and be on your own. Or you may just be ready to do an upgrade or move to a new city that you will fall in love with as well. No matter what you are doing when it is time to begin the search, you need to consider how long you should take to find the right apartment. For most people, the answer is that you should give yourself as much time as  possible so you do not rush and miss out on a good place


While you can start to look at some of the online listing or scoping out a new neighborhood as early as you would like, most people recommend that you should actively look for a new apartment about two months from when you would like to move in. This may seem like a long time, but that will give you time to tell the landlord that you plan to move and ensures that you can look at a few different places before making your decision.


If you are getting down to the month mark of the move and you have not found an apartment yet, then it is time to look specifically at apartments that are available now. These are simply vacant apartments that are not going to require you to wait to move into them. They will provide you with some flexibility on when you can move into them and will work with you to make sure that you are able to get out of your other apartment as well. You may even be able to talk to the landlord to see if they will offer a lower rate on the rent because the landlord wants to make sure the vacancy is filled as soon as possible.


Finding the right space for your family, a space that does not have you on top of one another and ensures that you all will have the amenities that you desire can be tough. You need an apartment that is in a safe location, has good amenities, plenty of space, and is still affordable for what you need. That is why we welcome you to come take a tour of our  three bedroom apartments in Kirkland. We are confident that you will love these units and will want to fill out an application as soon as possible. Don’t wait too long and miss out. Contact a member of our team today to learn more and to get started!