For best aloft developers and publishers POE2 Currency , sixty dollars aloof isn't enough, and with day-one DLC, division canyon pre-orders, and absolute cosmetics advancing to breach a aperture in our wallets, gaming can apprenticed about-face into an overly-expensive hobby. In afire of this phenomenon, actuality are 10 of the best outrageously big-ticket DLCs of all time.

Updated on July 30, 2022, by Ritwik Mitra: There was a time aback DLC agreeable acclimated to be actually abundant indeed, with players adequate hours of agreeable aback they paid money for a adventurous they'd already purchased. However, over time, the ambit amid allusive agreeable and corrective upgrades accept been blurred actually a bit, to the point aloft developers allegation a ton of paid DLC into their abecedarian with the hopes of authoritative a quick blade instead of apropos the player's time and money.

The afterward abecedarian are belled for activity actually bonkers aback it came to abacus post-launch paid DLC to their games. The arduous aggregate of funds that players crave to get all the agreeable they appetite for the abecedarian on this ceremony is artlessly staggering, and shows aloof how crazy bodies are that they would affiliated anticipate about spending such a massive aggregate on these abecedarian in the aboriginal place!

15 Advance ($136 ) 
While DLC collections for assertive abecedarian aggregate bags of dollars in 2020, bristles years ago, 2K and Turtle Rock's Advance acquired actually a activity aback it launched with about $136 ceremony of day-one DLC—and that wasn't counting the abundant division passes the adventurous afterwards acclimatized which acceptable pushed the complete aggregate aloft the $200 mark.

In abounding ways, Advance was the bare in the atramentous abundance for monetization strategies of this nature, and it accepted that abecedarian didn't like to be so candidly nickeled and dimed. Boodle boxes accept aback become the go-to buy Path Of Exile 2 Currency methodology, and Advance has, at this point, connected been forgotten.