The other consumables aside from food are also pretty WoTLK Gold cheap as of right now on my server. You know that flux will cost you in the range of 10 gold, which is insane considering that it were once about 80 Gold.

So you definitely want to purchase your flasks, as well as your sharpening stones and your oils if you put sharpening stone or oil on a brutal PvP weapon or an Soma weapon, which will be the best slot weapon all the way up until the level of 80. You will only need be able to replace it when you begin grinding at the top of the Dungeons.

It's worth noting that the spirit scrolls are beneficial for casters who are not from Elemental Shaman since every cast set apart from the LE Shaman will benefit from the power of spirit. When a mage is creative. Other specs will also gain spellpower. This only is a 10-spell power range, which you know is better than nothing. And when you consider how buy WoTLK Gold spirit scrolls are for instance, I have just purchased a scroll for around 60 Silver.