You want to make sure that you are safe and secure when you move into a new apartment. Choosing a place that has all of the extras that you need and will keep you safe at the same time is critical. When you look at safety and security, you will often jump to whether the apartment has the right locks and security features in place and if it is in a safe neighborhood or part of town. But you also have to consider what is inside of the apartment that will keep you safe if something else happens, like a fire.


Your landlord should provide you with a fire extinguisher somewhere on the floor. This is going to make it easier to reach when necessary and allows you a way to put out a small fire if it does happen in your apartment. Some landlords will even give you an individual one under the sink if you need it, providing you with even easier access to the fire extinguisher that you need. Whether it is legally required in your state or not, having this tool is going to be important.


If your landlord does not provide you with the fire extinguisher that you are looking for, then you should consider purchasing one for yourself. These do not cost too much and can be a lifesaver if something does happen. Fires usually happen without a lot of warning and seconds can matter when one does happen. Having a fire extinguisher on hand is going to make a big difference.


When you do get a fire extinguisher, make sure that you get one that is brand new. This ensures that it still has the chemicals and everything else that you need to help out here. There are a few options that you can find on Amazon if you need an affordable choice that will last a long time. Keep it under your kitchen sink since the kitchen is the place where a fire is most likely to happen for you and this can provide the easy access you need.


There are a million reasons to move to California, but before you make the big move, you need to consider where you would like to live. You need an apartment that is close to everything and will give you the freedom and great amenities that you have always wanted. That is why you need to check out some of our great studio apartments in Santa Ana, CA. These apartments are going to blow you away from the moment you walk in the door. Contact us today to set up your tour.